The Company


To strengthen the development of regions with tourism potential, to build real estate and hotel hubs with high finish, location and service standards and, at the same time, to promote citizen participation with respect to the historical, geographic and cultural characteristics of the community where it operates.

Este é o desafio assumido Pela Prima Empreendimentos Inovadores, desde 2005, ano de sua fundação. De lá pra cá, são quase dezessete anos de excelência e aprimoramento que conquistaram a parceria de grandes marcas, além de confiança e credibilidade no movimentado e competitivo mercado imobiliário.

Prima Empreendimentos Inovadores’ secret to accumulate successful cases, recognized by business groups in Brazil and Europe, is formed by a quite simple tripod: investment in the human being, the quality of the projects, and the timely delivery.


Strategic planning based on social issues and environmental protection, with full involvement of the target community, is part of the internal policy of Prima Empreendimentos Inovadores. Before the execution of any project, the company develops actions that include a series of social works. The goal is to prepare local communities for a new reality from new real estate projects.

The policies implemented by the company value human capital, empower the community and develop talents because, for Prima Empreendimentos, the main actors are found in the local communities, and they develop, strengthen and multiply values ​​and opportunities.

Not by chance, since 2007 the company develops Plano Baixio in the Coconut Coast, certain that it is possible to promote sustainable and inclusive tourism, integrated to the environment, with results shared by investors, the native population and visitors, and the most important: without harming the nature.

Auditada pela PricewaterhouseCoopers desde 2006, a Prima Empreendimentos Inovadores é uma Sociedade Anônima de Capital Fechado, com todos os procedimentos de Governança Corporativa e Compliance, tendo atingido a total profissionalização de sua gestão, com implantação e pleno funcionamento do Conselho Fiscal, Conselho de Administração, Diretoria e áreas de gestão.

In its structure, Prima Empreendimentos has the following areas:
a) Real Estate Development of 1st and 2nd Luxury Residences;
b) Development of Tourist Real Estate and Hotel Developments;
c) Provision of Specialized Management Services;
d) Implementation of Developments.

Human beings, real people. This is the differential and major asset of Prima Empreendimentos Innovadores. The bet on the potential and values ​​of its employees is, in fact, an investment in the creativity and innovation power of the company itself.

Atendimento personalizado, transparência e satisfação garantida. A estratégia da Prima Empreendimentos Inovadores é estabelecer uma relação de confiança e cumplicidade com seus clientes na busca incansável pela máxima satisfação. Afinal, estamos falando do maior patrimônio que uma empresa pode ter: os seus clientes.

O alto padrão de qualidade é um dos pilares da Prima Empreendimentos Inovadores, desde a concepção dos projetos, o acompanhamento das obras e a entrega das chaves, até o atendimento pós-venda. Expertise comprovada pela competência dos profissionais, qualidade dos materiais utilizados e nível de excelência empregado no acabamento dos projetos. Um diferencial que faz da Prima referência no mercado.


First and second home developments, hotels, resorts, entertainment and leisure. Add to that a high quality standard in every detail and you will see a modern and innovative project by Prima Empreendimentos. The high luxury products stand out for their charm, design and integration with the environment, presented by a trained and super prepared team to satisfy the most demanding clients.

Prima’s residences for first home are always located in prime locations, with cultural attributes desired by society.

The tourist and real estate destinations are in areas with strong valorization potential, which also stand out for their sustainability and ecological balance.

The company invests in charming and comfortable facilities, always integrated to the cultural reality of the regions, and is dedicated to offer a variety of services in its common facilities, besides the possibility of participating in a rental pool by means of a distribution network especially located in Europe, from Barcelona.

More than building real estate, Prima implements living spaces with a high standard of quality and believes that the experience of tourism can be even more differentiated. Therefore, the company has developed a specialized management tool focused on a new model of tourist destinations: planned and fully integrated into social, cultural and natural environments.

Prima knows that the high quality standard offered in its real estate developments generates the trust of clients, partners and the market, and contributes decisively to the strengthening and recognition of the brand.

The relationship with clients is always special, close and transparent, with established communication channels to ensure a constant interaction process.

Partner builders are chosen based on Prima’s quality and innovation concepts and the engineering and architectural team is always aligned with the main suppliers’ technical teams.


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